Avainsana: pacifism
How I Become a Pacifist?
This article was originally published in Tampere Peace Research Institute’s book A Flying Finn – Finnish Civil Society Actors in The Global Sphere under the title How I Became What I Am – The Role Of International NGO Experiences In Finding One’s Path. I’m a devoted pacifist, a pacifist in the original sense of the…
Re(de)fining Work Against Violence
Crises, Conflicts and Development: Multifaceted Perspectives to Security 11. – 12.2.2010 Helsinki, Finland. Organizer: Finnish Society for Development Research. Website: http://www.kehitystutkimus.fi/conference. Given my background as a peace activist and peace educator – not as a scientist – this is not going to be a academic paper in the traditional sense. I’ll tell about my impressions…