Avainsana: nonviolence
The Power of Nonviolence -workshop on 8th July
This workshop is open to anybody and free of charge. The evet will be taken place in https://meet.jit.si/ThePowerofNonviolence on Wed 8th July 2020 at 18.00-19.30 Helsinki time (EEST). Fb event info here. The main question for the workshop will be why nonviolence methods are more powerful than violence in accomplishing social change. We’ll start by…
The Power of Nonviolence – Stories of Bravery
For fifteen years I have been teaching nonviolence in The Center for Non-Military Cervice in Finland. Based on these lecturers I have written a book called The Power of Nonviolence – Stories of Bravery. It includes examples of the use of the power of nonviolence: from Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr to Greta…
How I Become a Pacifist?
This article was originally published in Tampere Peace Research Institute’s book A Flying Finn – Finnish Civil Society Actors in The Global Sphere under the title How I Became What I Am – The Role Of International NGO Experiences In Finding One’s Path. I’m a devoted pacifist, a pacifist in the original sense of the…
Aseettoman rauhanturvaamisen mahdollisuudet -seminaari Helsingissä 24.10. klo 17
(For text in English, see below.) Aseettoman rauhanturvaamisen mahdollisuudet -seminaari YK-päivänä kulttuurikeskus Caisassa Mitä on aseeton rauhanturvaaminen? Miten toiminta sai alkunsa, miten meneillään olevat ja aiemmin päättyneet operaatiot ovat onnistuneet ja millaisia kehitysmahdollisuuksia konseptilla on tulevaisuudessa? Tervetuloa kuulemaan ja keskustelemaan aiheesta kulttuurikeskus Caisaan (Mikonkatu 17 C, Hki) torstaina 24.10.2013 klo. 17.00 – 20.00. Tilaisuuteen on…
Re(de)fining Work Against Violence
Crises, Conflicts and Development: Multifaceted Perspectives to Security 11. – 12.2.2010 Helsinki, Finland. Organizer: Finnish Society for Development Research. Website: http://www.kehitystutkimus.fi/conference. Given my background as a peace activist and peace educator – not as a scientist – this is not going to be a academic paper in the traditional sense. I’ll tell about my impressions…